Gold Analysis, JCI, Stock Investments, Stock Recommendations - Perhaps you have not known the stock market directly, because maybe you have been trading only through online trading alone or through seminars - seminars about the capital market. But do you know the activity of the capital market?

stock-idx analysis If you need a cloth then you will go to the fabric market, if you need fish then you will go to the cloth market and if you need the capital to become a successful investor then you have to go to the capital market.
With Astronacci we will introduce the history of the capital market to you.

Many people think this stock market is a gambling place but it is all wrong, you must know the history that Indonesia has this capital market since 1880 and started by the Dutch, so in the Dutch era colonized Indonesia began to occur company sales, simply beginning of the capital market because the company needs funds, then the company sells it to investors, and investors buy the company through the capital market. And the first product to buy is a coffee factory.

stock-idx analysis In 1912 the first stock exchange stood in Batavia and was named the Batavia Stock Exchange. In the past the stock was in the form of a sheet of paper, so people who want to buy the stock must have a sheet of paper, but as the development of technology now stock is already digital.

Now we will accompany you to get to know the capital market and the parties involved, basically the capital market is not different like traditional markets and malls where there are sellers, buyers and the process of buying and selling transactions in it, it's just products that are traded in the capital market there are stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Nahh capital market is a container that brings emiten as a party that requires funds with investors who provide funds.

stock-idx analysis today Now What is an issuer? Issuer is a party or company offering its effect to the investor community through a public offering with the aim of obtaining funding sources through a capital market container offering such securities as stocks and bonds, but there are some things to be aware of before the sale transaction takes place. Issuers must disclose the complete and comprehensive corporate data as a requirement for investors to have confidence to buy shares from the company, besides that Issuer also has obligation to give company financial report periodically to be known by investor.

The obligations of this issuer which will become the rights of shareholders or investors. The first issuer listed on the stock is PT. Semen Cibinong (SMCB) on August 10, 1977. And with the development of tekhnology then in 1996 began to be held KPEI and 1997 KSEI.


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